meant to be taken out of context...
Thursday, December 18, 2003
291: okie doke
291: we'll play it by ear
291: what does that mean anyway?
291: how dumb
291: who plays anything with their ears?
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
who are these people and why don't they actually work??
1691: when you read that in your head, are you screaming to yourself?
291: i am!
291: it's like this:
291: heheehh
291: don't you feel like i just yelled at you?
1691: i do
291: I'M NOT!
291: hehehe
1691: hahah
1691: your husband is right. we are four year olds
291: hahahaha
291: we are
1691: :-P
1691: whatever
1691: I DON'T CARE!
291: ME EITHER!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
it's a rough day...
LHT: that is truw
LHT: ture
LHT: truw
LHT: true
LHT: haha
Friday, November 21, 2003
1691: you know what song people should sing more often
1691: you are my sunshine
1691: my only sunshine
1691: you make me happ-eEeEEeEEe
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
pfch: i played [football] saturday morning
1691: nice.
1691: chicago vs. michigan!?
1691: =P
pfch: oh man.. for real
pfch: i don't know...
pfch: we're pretty good
pfch: =)
1691: HA
1691: bring it!
Monday, November 03, 2003
it's not IM, but funny nonetheless =D
her: There's something uneasy about this
me: what?
her: sucking the head of a shrimp
me: haha
her: what makes it worse is when it comes flying out of your mouth
guess who?
Thursday, October 23, 2003
1691: i'm fiending for hooters again
1691: the wings, that is.
1691: not the scantily clad high school girls in daisy dukes they call waitresses.
291: riiigghhhtt..
Friday, October 10, 2003
*please note that no lines of text have been deleted between the following statements:
issy: ok, go sleep
pma: frank
pma: U
pma: i'm auddi
pma: :JR#$W*)UR)*@#U*@#F
pma: =P
pma: nice nite for sleep
pma: :L
pma: ok
pma: but
pma: i mean
pma: biwe
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
ani: but i'm going to start doing AIM drive by's and shoot out hte site
Thursday, September 11, 2003
for the immature 12-year-old in you:
nbor: i was going to ask you abou tit!!
Saturday, September 06, 2003
421: i can't wait till the wedding
421: i wanna see everyone
421: and then break down crying when i see the wedding...
Monday, August 25, 2003
ero: man i got tired last night at 2ish...
ero: had to crash
ero: woke up today at 9
ero: i'm NORMAL again
ero: my friends are gonna reject me
Thursday, August 21, 2003
sess: i felt like a stalker, drivign by his house, writing down the number and driving away.
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
nix: phoenix723 rocks my world.....
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
nix: but i'm going to volleyball after that
nix: and i don't want to be all nexty
291: i wouldn't want to be nexty either.
nix: haha
nix: nasty
291:i read conehead..
291: no need to translate
291: or is it connish?
nix: you are a true friend
nix: its connish
Friday, August 01, 2003
finally! the truth comes out! =P
YL9: i only like WOMEN
Thursday, July 31, 2003
nbor: "Get your own account. Biatch!!"
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
513: i'm not sure of ur choice of wording here
513: it confoozled me
1691: yeah, i know
1691: my technical jargon confoozles many
513: i mean
513: wut really is "happy"
513: now for myself
513: i woulda said
513: "gay birthday connie cheung!"
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
291: i think he's just shy
1691: j_n is shy?
291: no
291: i was being nice
291: i think he's chicken
Thursday, June 12, 2003
ubed: i woudl give my right ear to see lynn run
ubed: be a friend man....tell me if i run gay
BRa: all i have in my fridge is old rice, milk, OJ, yogurt, and water
BRa: yeah i need mustard
291: of go with the yogurt
BRa: haha naturally
BRa: oh, actually, i ate a spoonful, then mixed pretzel crumbs with ti and ate it with a spoon
BRa: i.e. rock bottom
Monday, June 02, 2003
nbor: so...we can pay slackers to stop slacking....get the number of slackers to decrease....increase the demand for slackers...then slacker salaries increase...then i can go back to being a slacker...
nbor: hmmm...
nbor: no wonder i never get promoted...
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
ie918: um, how do i get home from my apt?
Monday, May 19, 2003
291: i could use some digerati up in this place...i can't believe how slow my computer is.
291: i hate when my password is otiose.
291: makes me want to defenestrate this dumb thing.
1691: you are a JEENYUS
291: i try
1691: my hallux hurts... someone stepped on it during the soccer game on sunday
291: wow.
291: excellent.
Friday, May 16, 2003
ero: (i'll actually do anything for cheap thrills)
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
sess: can you cancel a friend after you've already approved 'em?
another day of productivity achieved by responsible young professionals...
ero: how can one ponder on other boobs once britney's have been revealed?
291: well i guess the lack of public display of her nipple leaves something to be desired?
ared: no need to see nipples
ared: thats like too much i feel
ero: oh but it was displayed
ared: i must have missed it.....i only watched it once
ared: not like 50 times like *ero* here
291: i concur
ale: i concur as well
1691: concur
1691: i do
ared: dammmit, i shoulda concurred!
ale: you're out
ero: it was dope as hell...
1691: how is crownfitting DOPE
Tuesday, May 13, 2003
this is what you miss if you don't have aim at work...
421: jon gonads here
ero: i don't need a pushup bra
ero: mine are PERKY enough to stand their own ground
ared: cool.....i will bomb ur toilet.....or have james do it for me......
ero: bombing toilets is not my business
1691: i think that's louis' job
910: I knew it you are all mafia
1691: that was an intense 5 minutes of conversation
lie22: i need to strip myself
291: so the playa took you behind the dodge ball field to make out to make it up to you?
ero: my boobs
1691: ummm... do i really want to click on a link that says "my boobs" from jmz?
1691: lets ponder this for a moment...
ero: click click!!
ero: (you may have seen it already)
291: brb
101: mmmm. luscious.
101: Isn't it nice that other people with boobs aren't judging you?
101: mmm
291: i judge james.
291: ;-)
101: oh.
101: nevermind.
291: hehe
1691: i judge james all the time too
Friday, May 09, 2003
291: we got our thundersticks.
1691: i know!
291: that's really all that matters.
1691: in all things important in this world... thundersticks is right up there
1691: and tayshaun prince
291: but he is almost secondary to thundersticks.
291: by like || this much
1691: and that's not much
Thursday, May 08, 2003
*bonus points for knowing what viceroy is*
1691: i think viceroy may be a litte too ghetto for you
ale: hey I like being ghetto fabulous! :-)
1691: hahaha... stick to birmingham and royal oak, pretty boy.
ale: I'm not pretty... what are you talking about... I'm a thug 8-)
1691: hahahaha
1691: right
1691: you and your soniccare toothbrush
ale: i have to keep my gold and platinum teeth clean
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
291: chrissy chrissy bo brissy bananfana fo frissy meee myyy mo mrissssyyyyy CHRISSY!!
291: it's funny to say mrissy..
Friday, May 02, 2003
AD: i walked out to my car after lunch cuz i had food coma and i wanted to take a nap
AD: only when i got out to the parking lot...i realized that i took the train today
AD: so i had to walk nap :-(
1691: dork
AD: your sympathy is so evident
*please note that no lines of text have been deleted between the following statements:
ie918: haaha
291: okay
ie918: yoo told me what yoo waanntted.. i GAVE yoo what yoo neeededdd.. i told yoo that i loved yoo made it good for yoo n Mean it.. iiiiinnevverrr mmmaakkee a ppprrroommisseee.. iii ccannntt kkkekeeeeeeeppp
ie918: yo
ie918: can i lift 75 pounds?
Wednesday, April 30, 2003
nbor: is there such a thing as a "pride-a-holic"?
291: umm..
291: i'm sure there is, but with a much more sophisticated and technical term.
nbor:'re probably right...
291: but for our purposes, pride-o-holic will suffice.
nbor: i think they're commonly known as "snobs" or "pompous jerks"
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
....on root canals:
ero: painless
291: do i limp when i walk?
1691: i don't think you limp when you walk
291: that's good.
1691: that is good. nobody wants to limp when they walk.
291: this is true.
291: unless you're in 1995 when it was cool to limp when you walked.
291: or *strut* i should say.
1691: or if you walk like a gangster, does that count?
291: is that the same thing as a thug walk?
291: is there a difference? i feel it's a sensitive line.
1691: i think... gangster=thug, but thug doesn't always=gangster
291: of those..
1691: so is there a separate gangster walk, a thug walk, and a thug that's not a gangster walk?
291: having been surrounded by SO many of them, i must say that i am unaware of the distinction.
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
291: i mean.
291: fake pukey puke
291: go home
291: pack your bag
291: and take like the whole week off as sick
291: woohoo!!
Monday, April 14, 2003
291: okay...i'm out like a light..
ero: i'm out like jon's converse
ero: (you can tell him i said that)
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
1691: btw i heard shei made you into a pin-up model
1691: that freshman girls all over campus have you hanging up in their dorm rooms.
19: oh WHAAAAAAAAT?!?!
1691: haha... but seriously... i wanna see it next time i come
19: of course
19: i'll try to get you a copy
19: it'll cost you a few bucks pretty face isn't cheap, ya know
1691: hahaha
1691: my 4 years of guidance and support isn't enough payment?!?
19: haha
19: i'll see what i can do
1691: what about my friendship and gratitude?
1691: that's gotta be worth something.
19: might just cover the cost of the mag =)
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
in stores now!....
** the orDIPeo **
check out your local cookie retailer today!
Friday, April 04, 2003
My favorite lines of the day... guess what kind of morning i had??
AD: i'll start up a collection and call it "Bail Money for Oppressed Workers' Fund", dedicated in your name
291: did you get all dizzy cuz you were so pissed?
291: because some people just need a good ass kicking. (can i get an amen!?!)
Thursday, April 03, 2003
1691: you're the dork
421: i know
421: i wear the name proudly
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
1691: i thought you quit
291: yeah..
291: well i'm in the process of trying to eliminate my need for it.
1691: you're just feeding your addiction
101: it's really nice how we unconditionally support each other no matter what.
291: we wouldn't be the same person if we didn't.
101: and we ARE.
101: which is comforting.
Friday, March 28, 2003
a conversation between two hard-working and responsible young professionals...
1691: get this
291: what?
1691: i was WORKING all morning
291: SHUT UP.
1691: I KNOW!
1691: hahaha
291: !!
291: it deserved two and exclamations.
from the page of redundancy page...
"Boy do I need a BJ. Any takers? Only females apply please. =)"
Monday, March 24, 2003
tiK: does everybody rotate to play all positions?
tiK: like...everybody should get the chance to be a setter?
1691: well it depends on what kind of rotation you are playing
tiK: interesting
tiK: i think we had a circular rotation going on
i think i'm the only person who's gonna find this funny
Thursday, March 20, 2003
291: hahahahahahahahaha
1691: i can't even pull it up!!!
1691: someone's prolly watching me
291: hahahahahahahah
1691: and they see a pictures of animated breasts.
291: hahahahahahaha
291: yeah..
291: otherwise there's a danger of falling over.
291: and who wants to fall on a bathroom floor?